12.-13. Juli 2018


Graham Harman at ‚Symposium Malerei‘ speaking about „The Supreme Fiction: Between Kant and Fried“.
Barbara Welzel at ‚Symposium Malerei‘ speaking about „Wilful images: The “Berswordt Altar“ in the St. Marienkirche in Dortmund“.
Fawn Daphne Plessner at ‚Symposium Malerei‘ speaking about „From Objects to “Public Things”: A Discussion of „Citizen Artist News“ as a Political Intervention“.
Johannes Meinhardt at ‚Symposium Malerei‘ speaking about „The Four Levels of Painting“.
Joerg Fingerhut at ‚Symposium Malerei‘ speaking about „Empathy with the Medium“.

Charlotte Warten at ‚Symposium Malerei‘ speaking about „Color & Function“.